To book an event, click a date below. If you do not see dates for the day you wish to book, you can check back at a later date or email to inquire about upcoming dates. Please read our FAQ before booking, it contains important information on cancellations, weather, handicap considerations and more. Outdoor events are conducted rain or shine.

Central Park Picnic Tour
You are purchasing a voucher for a private picnic tour of Central Park with our award winning tour guides. At the time of purchase we [...]

Public Tour Gift Certificate
This gift certificate is good for up to seven months from the date of purchase for any of the Windows of the Wealthy or Central [...]
Looking for a date that’s not here?
E-mail New dates are always being added so if you don’t see one you’re looking for, check back or email us for details. Private tours and events can also be scheduled.
Want a Gift Certificate?
Gift Certificates for the Central Park Sunset Tour can be purchased here. For all other certificates, e-mail